Social Issues

Post-Roe thoughts from the messy political middle

Being in the political middle is messy as it is lonely. I don’t have mutual respect for both dominant parties in the United States; I despise them both for a myriad for reasons (don't worry, I have great love for my Democrat and Republican friends). Voting for the last few years has been a stomach-churning… Continue reading Post-Roe thoughts from the messy political middle

Social Issues, Theology, Writing & Publishing

What the banning of “Maus” says about us

I knew after reading the introduction to Dara Horn’s People Love Dead Jews that I would end up blogging about it. Actually, I knew it after just reading the description on the book jacket: Often asked by major publications to write on subjects related to Jewish culture—and increasingly in response to a recent wave of… Continue reading What the banning of “Maus” says about us


Making Peace With Being Inherently Offensive

It's hard to share the story of why I converted without offending somebody. I know this, I've accepted this, but it still bothers me because no one likes to lose friends. There's just no way to share how I was born Jewish and became a Christian without implying that Judaism just wasn't good enough, or… Continue reading Making Peace With Being Inherently Offensive

Social Issues

When it’s okay (and necessary) to be silent

I used to think that anyone who stayed silent about trending topics simply didn’t care about them. I’d scan Facebook after mass shootings, the killings of unarmed black men, or after Donald Trump said something distasteful, and see who was calling it out. Who was using their platform to pay homage, increase awareness, or correct… Continue reading When it’s okay (and necessary) to be silent

Social Issues

How to talk about politics on social media without being annoying

Many people are annoyed by the onslaught of political posts on social media. I can't say I blame them -- because not all political posts are created equal. It would be easy to say "Just don't" in response to the question, Should I post something political? But the truth is, almost everything is political in… Continue reading How to talk about politics on social media without being annoying

Social Issues

How my Jewish background opened my eyes to racism

I often wonder what my life would be like if I had been raised in a Christian home. Would I be the same person I am today? Would I still prioritize understanding different viewpoints – even those (or especially those) I disagree with? It’s easy for me to resent my Jewish background sometimes. It’s the… Continue reading How my Jewish background opened my eyes to racism


“You can’t sit with us,” Jewish edition

For a magazine whose demographic is liberal Jewish women, I was rather surprised by the responses to the article “Please Stop Asking Me ‘Are You Even Jewish’?” that was recently shared on Lilith's Facebook page. The author, Alyssa Weinstein, was raised by interfaith parents: an Episcopalian mother, and a Reform Jewish father. Though Weinstein’s mother… Continue reading “You can’t sit with us,” Jewish edition

Theology, Writing & Publishing

Jewish hair, Christian faith

My one-time experience at a Jewish sleepaway camp (I know, I know, don’t get me started on the absurdity of the phrase “Jewish camp”) was full of, shall we say, unique experiences: from a production of The Sound of Music featuring nuns with popsicle-stick Stars of David instead of crosses to lively debates about who… Continue reading Jewish hair, Christian faith